Behind the scenes of high fashion’s glamorous landscape are the all-important, yet often unseen decision makers. Highly trained and skilled, analytical management teams are charged with translating creative vision into retail success.

In order to succeed, this faction of elite executives must possess an array of professional and personal qualities to drive their brand through to the four corners of the globe. They are cultured, well-travelled individuals, exceptional negotiators who are naturally good with languages.

Alessandro Maria Ferreri, with over 20 years of experience in the luxury industry, definitely belongs to this group of management savants who balance style with sales. Hailing from the northern Italian city of Turin, this engineering graduate has a range of diverse experiences under his belt from working with UN peacekeepers in New York to management roles with the industry’s most prestigious brands.

AMF worked for many years for worldwide fashion conglomerate Aeffe Group as General Manager Asia; has then covered a four years role as Retail and Sales Director at Jean Paul Gaultier (when the brand was owned and managed by Hermès) before returning to his native Italy, in 2008, to join the prestigious house of Etro, as Chief Commercial Officer.

After overseeing, for five years, hundreds of the brand’s worldwide boutiques and international offices, AMF has been chosen by Renzo Rosso as Global Director of Commercial and Merchandising for Staff International (OTB Luxury Division), in charge of the distribution and product strategy of the holding portfolio which includes MarniMaison MargielaDsquared2Vivienne Westwood and Marc Jacobs, just to name a few.

A citizen of the world, AMF travels constantly, attending fashion shows and meetings. And it is this cultural capital and long experience in fashion that finally bring Alessandro to found his own advisory company.

Sitting at the helm of THE STYLE GATEAMF focuses on the global development of different brands and international retailers, offering a wide range of management services to startups as well as to established names. When it comes to matters of merchandising, commercial strategy, retail and digital, marketing and competition assessment, AMF is at the top of the people who know how to value a luxury product and get results out of it.

When Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana founded in 2019 the Fashion Trust, chose AMF as an official member and ambassador to select, sustain and mentor talented young emerging designers.

AMF is currently also Permanent Lecturer, Field Coach and Project Mentor at The London Royal College of Arts and at Università Cattolica di Milano.

In June 2020 AMF is honored with the cover of Forbes Magazine Italia edition. In September 2020 the same cover has been chosen by Forbes America to represent the best one out of the 12 Forbes Italia issues of the year. In October 2020 AMF is elected among the 100 most influential italian CEOs of 2020.

As an art enthusiast, collector and well known philanthropist, AMF is, since years, also a member of the London art scene as a Senior Patron of The Serpentine Gallery. By financing and supporting the foundation’s unique and innovative programming, across exhibitions, architecture and education, AMF is one of the leading figures who help to shape and inform culture worldwide. ©2022 THE STYLE GATE Privacy & Cookie policy